A Threat to Justice

Letters from an ARFA conservative

The proposed ordinance is not about saving lives. Despite its claims, it does nothing to protect the unborn. Instead, it endangers the rights of living women and threatens the principles of justice and equality. This ordinance is a dangerous piece of legislation that would create serious legal, ethical, and constitutional problems.

The ordinance allows anyone to sue in civil court over alleged violations of a federal law, even though local courts typically don't handle such matters. This raises questions about the ordinance's legality and whether a city has the power to enforce federal law through civil litigation. The result would be a confusing and chaotic legal landscape, where people could be sued without proper legal processes in place.

One of the biggest issues with this ordinance is its lack of clarity. The ordinance's vague wording could lead to arbitrary enforcement and the silencing of free speech. Without clear guidelines, people could be unfairly targeted for their beliefs or actions, leading to serious violations of their rights. The ordinance also conflicts with existing state and federal laws, creating further confusion and potential legal battles.

The ordinance could flood local courts with frivolous lawsuits, overwhelming the system and wasting taxpayer money. By allowing anyone to sue, the ordinance invites politically motivated or baseless lawsuits that would divert resources away from more important local matters. This strain on the legal system would make it harder to address real issues and could cause significant delays in justice.

Another major concern is that the ordinance bypasses the role of trained legal professionals in handling criminal cases. Instead, it allows ordinary people, without legal training, to take these matters into their own hands. This could lead to inconsistent application of the law and undermine the principle of equal justice, as different people could face different outcomes based on who is suing them.

The ordinance also opens the door to harassment and intimidation. People could misuse the ordinance to target others, especially those who support reproductive rights or are related to someone who has had an abortion. This would create a hostile environment, where people live in fear of being sued simply for exercising their rights or for their family connections.

Furthermore, the ordinance violates the principle of due process by allowing multiple lawsuits for the same offense. Even if someone is cleared in one case, they could face endless lawsuits, draining their resources and causing severe emotional distress. This endless cycle of litigation would undermine the fairness of the legal system and could lead to the abuse of power by those who seek to harass or intimidate others.

The ordinance also excludes important legal protections, such as the Texas Loser Pay laws, which discourage frivolous lawsuits by requiring the losing party to pay the winner's legal fees. Without these protections, people would be more likely to file baseless lawsuits, knowing they won't face financial consequences if they lose. This would only add to the burden on the legal system and could ruin the lives of innocent people.

In conclusion, the Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn ordinance is a deeply flawed and dangerous piece of legislation. It threatens the rights of women, undermines the principles of justice and equality, and would create chaos in the legal system. This ordinance does not save lives; it only destroys the rights of the living. Amarillo must read and understand this ordinance. It represents a grave threat to the rule of law and the principles that make our society just and democratic.


SCFTU heads to city-wide vote


City Council Rejects SCFTU Ordinance