Understanding the impact of


AKA “The Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn” Ordinance

Deceptive in Nature

The ordinance does not ban abortions. It only encourages neighbors to surveil and sue anyone they suspect of “aiding and abetting” an abortion.

Zero proof is required to file a lawsuit. Any Amarillo citizen under suspicion could be sued for a minimum of $10,000 and attorneys’ fees.

Infringes on Constitutional Rights

The ordinance seeks to censor the sharing of information and dictate where you can spend your money - a direct violation of freedom of speech and freedom of association.

To dive deep into the Prop A Ordinance, follow along with our blog below:

Impact on Medical Emergencies

People facing medical emergencies may need to travel out of state for healthcare, but the ordinance penalizes the travel and support for it. If you have to travel outside of Texas for healthcare, this will impact you!

Ordinance Deep Dive ARFA Ordinance Deep Dive ARFA

Episode 2: Encourages Lawsuits Without Proof

In Episode 2 of our deep dive into the controversial Prop A ordinance, we expose how this law encourages lawsuits without requiring solid proof. From infringing on personal privacy and free speech to promoting vigilante lawsuits, this ordinance has far-reaching implications that threaten the fabric of our community. Learn more about how these vague and overreaching rules could lead to unnecessary legal chaos and undermine the freedoms that are central to our lives in Amarillo.

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Potter-Randall County Medical Society Speaks Out

The Potter-Randall County Medical Society (PRCMS) is raising the alarm over misleading language in the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance. We are concerned about how this ordinance could criminalize basic acts of compassion and divide our community. It’s time to stand together for fairness, clarity, and the protection of our families.

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Prop A: Harms against Amarillo’s Economy

Prop A in Amarillo goes beyond a moral stance—it threatens our local economy and the free market principles we cherish. By targeting businesses that offer reproductive healthcare benefits, and risks driving away jobs and discouraging national companies from investing in our community. We must consider the long-term impact on Amarillo's prosperity and vote "No" on Prop A to protect our businesses and our town's future.

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A Threat to Justice

The proposed ordinance is not about saving lives. Despite its claims, it does nothing to protect the unborn. Instead, it endangers the rights of living women and threatens the principles of justice and equality. This ordinance is a dangerous piece of legislation that would create serious legal, ethical, and constitutional problems.

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Ordinance Update ARFA Ordinance Update ARFA

Face Your Voters

ARFA calls on the City Council to allow a public vote on the proposed "Sanctuary City for the Unborn" ordinance. We emphasize the importance of transparency and voter input, highlighting how both the original and amended versions represent significant government overreach. Join us in ensuring that the voices of Amarillo residents are heard in this critical decision.

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Prop A’s Misuse of Comtstock + RICO Acts

As concerned citizens of Amarillo, we must stand against the Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn ordinance. This dangerous government overreach misuses federal laws like the RICO Act and the outdated Comstock Act, threatening to divide our community and tear our families apart. The ordinance pits neighbors against each other, encouraging lawsuits over deeply private family matters.

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Addressing the Facts

The Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn ordinance is more accurately described as a "Travel Ban & Trafficking Ban," not just a pro-life measure. We are fact-checking the bogus claims made by Mark Lee and his supporters.

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Events ARFA Events ARFA

Documentary Screening

We're thrilled to announce the upcoming screening of a powerful documentary that delves deep into the heart of the ongoing battle for reproductive rights.

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