Prop A: Harms against Amarillo’s Economy

Letters from an ARFA conservative

As a proud Texan who believes in the value of hard work and the importance of community, I’ve always stood by the principles of a free market and limited government. That's why I'm deeply concerned about the Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn ordinance being pushed in Amarillo. While it may seem like a moral stand to some, the truth is that this ordinance could have serious, unintended consequences for our local economy—and it represents a government overreach that goes against the very principles that have made our country strong.

Hurts Local Businesses and Jobs

Small businesses are the backbone of Amarillo. From local pharmacies to medical practices to the best damn burger joint on Route 66, these businesses provide jobs and essential services that keep Amarillo running. This ordinance, however, puts many of them at risk by opening the door for lawsuits against businesses that are simply trying to serve their customers. If local businesses are forced to shut their doors due to costly legal battles, the impact on our economy could be devastating.

Imagine a young family-owned pharmacy being dragged into court just for fulfilling a legal prescription. They could face massive legal fees and damage to their reputation, all because of a law that overreaches into their legal operations. This isn’t just about the healthcare sector—it’s about the ripple effect that could spread through our entire economy. When businesses close or cut back, jobs are lost, and our community suffers.

The Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn ordinance allows for lawsuits against businesses that provide coverage or reimbursement for reproductive care, including abortions. This not only puts these large companies, like Pantex or Amazon, at risk but also discourages them from investing in our community. When businesses face the threat of legal action for simply offering healthcare benefits, they may choose to relocate or avoid Amarillo altogether. This could result in fewer jobs for Amarilloans, reduced economic growth, and a weaker local economy.

Limiting the Free Market

The free market thrives when businesses operate without unnecessary interference from the government. But this ordinance does exactly the opposite—it creates an environment of fear and uncertainty that discourages investment and innovation. When businesses are worried about potential lawsuits, they’re less likely to expand, hire new employees, or even stay open.

As a community, we should be encouraging economic growth, not stifling it with heavy-handed regulations. The free market is about choice, competition, and the ability for businesses to serve their customers without undue interference. This ordinance imposes a moral agenda on our local businesses, limiting their ability to operate freely and undermining the very principles of the free market.

Government Interference

One of the things that makes America great is our belief in limited government. We trust our businesses and our people to make the best decisions for themselves without Big Brother watching over our shoulders. But this ordinance is a clear example of government interference. It’s a heavy-handed attempt to control what happens in our businesses and in our personal lives.

We’ve always been a community that values freedom—freedom to worship, freedom to speak our minds, and yes, freedom to do business without unnecessary government interference. This ordinance threatens that freedom by imposing one group’s moral beliefs on everyone else, regardless of their own values or the law of the land.

Protecting Our Economy and Our Freedom

As Election Day approaches, I urge my fellow Amarilloans to think carefully about the impact this ordinance could have on our community. We need to protect our local economy, support our small businesses, and defend the free market principles that have made our country strong. Voting 'No' on Prop A isn’t just about taking a stand for reproductive rights—it’s about protecting our economy from harm and keeping government overreach in check.

Let’s come together to preserve the freedoms we hold dear, defend our local businesses, and ensure that Amarillo remains a place where the free market can thrive.


Ordinance Deep Dive


SCFTU heads to city-wide vote