Ordinance Deep Dive

The City Council of Amarillo recently voted down an ordinance that sought to ban abortion within the city by a vote of 4-1. However, the initiating committee is now attempting to circumvent the council's decision by putting the ordinance on the ballot in November. In this post, we’ll break down the ordinance to make sure everyone understands how deeply this affects us all. This ordinance isn’t just about abortion; it impacts every one of us in significant ways. Let’s dive into why we should all be concerned.

Magnifying glass to illustrate the Christian extremist findings in the sanctuary cities for the unborn ordinance that is going to the ballot in Amarillo during the upcoming election.

The "findings" listed in the ordinance serve as assertions meant to establish foundational principles that help frame the document. In legal contexts, findings are often used to outline key beliefs or justifications for proposed laws. However, this ordinance's findings are deeply problematic and scientifically inaccurate.

an excerpt from the sanctuary cities for the unborn ordinance travel ban in amarillo Texas which is opposed by amarillo reproductive freedom alliance.

The assertion that "human life begins at conception" is rooted in religious doctrine rather than scientific fact. Scientifically, fertilization marks the beginning of a biological process, not the moment when personhood or human rights are established.

Similarly, labeling abortion as "murderous" disregards the medical nature of the procedure and oversimplifies complex ethical and personal decisions surrounding reproductive healthcare. This rhetoric reflects extreme religious viewpoints rather than objective legal or medical standards, undermining the separation of church and state fundamental to our legal system.

Pushing such religiously motivated language into law marginalizes the diverse beliefs of Amarillo and fails to respect the autonomy and rights of individuals making deeply personal medical decisions. Legislation should be based on evidence-based reasoning and uphold the rights and well-being of all individuals, without imposing specific religious beliefs on the entire community.

A graphic with text to highlight the aiding and abetting section of the sanctuary cities for the unborn ordinance coming to Amarillo that is opposed by the amarillo reproductive freedom alliance or ARFA.

The aiding and abetting section of the ordinance represents a severe infringement on constitutional rights and personal freedoms. Under this provision, any citizen suspected of “aiding or abetting” an abortion can be sued, even if the procedure occurred in a state where it is legal. Anyone under suspicion can be subjected to a civil lawsuit for a minimum of $10,000. This broad interpretation could encompass actions as innocuous as providing directions, posting on social media, donating to abortion funds, or offering any type of financial support.

listed are scans from the ordinance of the section that defines aiding and abetting in the sanctuary cities for the unborn ordinance that is opposed by ARFA, amarillo reproductive freedom alliance.

For instance, if someone gives a friend a ride to Albuquerque for a legal abortion, they could potentially face litigation. This not only undermines our constitutional rights to travel and freedom of speech but also targets individuals who provide essential support during sensitive times. By threatening lawsuits against family members, friends, and support networks, the ordinance creates a climate of fear and isolation. It leaves pregnant people without the vital relationships, assistance, and resources they need.

Moreover, the burden of proof rests unfairly on the accused, with no accountability for those filing baseless lawsuits. This lack of accountability sets a dangerous precedent by encouraging neighbor to spy on neighbor and allowing individuals to weaponize legal proceedings without consequence. It erodes the community trust that we, as Amarilloans, have worked hard to cultivate. We have seen this in other communities the ordinance has entered, and it only leads to harassment and intimidation of people and businesses exercising their rights to free speech and personal choice.

The provisions of this ordinance also seek to control individuals' actions beyond state lines, which is why it is often referred to as a “Travel Ban.” Anyone from Amarillo can travel to New Mexico to legally purchase and use marijuana, or to gamble, where both are legal and regulated. Both of these actions respect the laws of the States where these activities are legal, without criminalizing the traveler (or those that help get them to their destination!) for seeking services or experiences that aren’t available in Amarillo. Seeking healthcare options like abortion in states where it is legal should be a personal decision free from legal repercussions at home.

This travel ban would uniquely impact people facing medical emergencies, especially during pregnancy when timely access to necessary healthcare services is critical. Unfortunately, miscarriages and other serious medical emergencies can arise unexpectedly, posing immediate risks to the life and health of the pregnant person. In such cases, medical intervention, often in the form of an abortion or dilation and curettage (D&C), may be urgently required to safeguard the health and well-being of the parent. Restricting access to these essential healthcare services can dangerously delay life-saving treatments, exacerbating medical risks and potentially leading to tragic outcomes. It is imperative that individuals have unrestricted access to timely and appropriate medical care in emergencies, without unnecessary legal barriers that jeopardize their health and safety.

Amarillo's proposed “abortion” ban threatens constitutional rights to travel and freedom of speech, and attempts to punish us with lawsuits when we exercise those rights. This overreach not only instills fear and isolation but also undermines Amarillo’s trust and unity. Ensuring unrestricted access to healthcare services, particularly during medical emergencies, is crucial for safeguarding individual rights and public health. Our rights to travel and make personal healthcare decisions should be safeguarded, ensuring that our freedoms are protected regardless of where we choose to exercise them.

This issue extends far beyond Amarillo, impacting all of Texas. Doctors already face significant challenges in emergency situations, and imposing additional legal hurdles complicates their ability to provide timely and necessary care. Every reproductive rights lawsuit has arisen because doctors were hindered from doing their job.

an excerpt from the sanctuary cities for the unborn ordinance in amarillo, Texas that refers to doctors who provide abortion information to patients.

Healthcare providers in Texas already face daunting legal penalties (including the loss of their medical license, a lifetime in jail, and a fine of $100,000) if they provide any type of abortion care. We’ve seen how their ability to do their jobs has effected Texans, with women like Lauren Miller, Kate Cox, and Amanda Zurawski. OBGYNs in Texas already have their hands tied, and this ordinance would only exasperate this. It’s like telling a firefighter that they can’t use water when there’s a house burning down in front of them.

This also contributes to the level of training doctors receive in Texas. Even before the overturning of Roe v. Wade, disparities in abortion training across U.S. medical schools have been stark. Many universities do not mandate instruction on abortion procedures. In Texas, where abortion access has been severely curtailed, these training opportunities have dwindled, prompting aspiring medical professionals to seek education elsewhere to avoid restrictive laws. The students who train in Amarillo don’t want to stay after graduation, assuming they don’t transfer prior to that. Several local doctors have spoken out on this very issue at Amarillo City Council.

The proposed 18-page ordinance in Amarillo would further burden doctors by making them navigate complex legal documents, while already grappling with contradictory state laws. This would force them to modify patient discussions or face legal repercussions. By restricting doctors from discussing all healthcare options, including abortion, this ordinance not only undermines patient-provider trust but also disproportionately harms marginalized communities who already face systemic barriers to essential healthcare services, making the Texas Panhandle an even greater medical desert.

The Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn ordinance in Amarillo represents a dangerous escalation of efforts to restrict reproductive healthcare, not just locally but across Texas and beyond. It is crucial for every citizen to take the time to read the entire ordinance and understand that it's not just about abortion; it's about restricting our constitutional freedoms, including the rights to privacy, travel, and free speech. We must stand together to protect these fundamental rights by educating Amarillo about this ordinance, and make sure we all make it to the polls in November. Let's ensure that our community respects diversity, supports healthcare access, and safeguards personal liberties for all its residents.

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Prop A: The Travel Ban


Prop A: Harms against Amarillo’s Economy