Face Your Voters

ARFA has been urging the City Council to listen to the voices of Amarillo residents. The council members are trying to push through an amended ordinance that slightly differs from the original submitted by the petition committee. We believe both ordinances are not what our city wants, and we must demand transparency and insist that no such ordinance should be passed without consulting the public.

Both the original and amended versions of the ordinance represent significant government overreach. Either ordinance would restrict freedom of speech by criminalizing the dissemination of information related to abortion. Both would violate freedom of association by penalizing those who collaborate with organizations providing abortion services. And the travel ban component would infringe on the right to travel by attempting to regulate out-of-state activities. These things, coupled with the significant hinderance our healthcare providers will face by just trying to do their jobs, is enough for every resident of Amarillo to question the lengths the petition committee will go to in order to further their agenda.

While we respect the petition process, and fully support our fellow community member’s right to participate in our local government, we know these ordinances are not representative of Amarillo as a whole. We trust that well-informed voters will reject the extremism found in this ordinance.

amarillo Texas city council must face their voters and reject the ordinance in favor of a citywide vote. Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance travel ban sanctuary cities for the unborn

The City Council was elected to represent all of us, not just a small group of misinformed citizens. This ordinance has far-reaching implications for our community, and it is essential that the voices of Amarillo residents are heard. Transparency is crucial in local government. Our leaders must ensure that the ordinance goes to a public, city-wide vote. By doing so, they would demonstrate their commitment to democracy and accountability. The council needs to face their voters and listen to what the city of Amarillo truly wants. This is not just about the ordinance anymore; it is about respecting the will of the people.

We are calling on everyone to text, call, and email the City Council. Let them know that you insist on a public vote for this ordinance! It is vital that the council understands the importance of voter input. Amarilloans have a right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. The City Council must recognize this and act accordingly. We urge the council to be transparent and accountable. This ordinance must be put to a vote, allowing the public to decide its fate.

ARFA is committed to ensuring that the voices of Amarillo residents are heard. We will continue to advocate for transparency and voter input. This is a fundamental principle of democracy, and it must be upheld.

Join us in urging the City Council to face their voters and ensure that our community has a say in this critical decision. Together, we can make a difference and protect the rights of Amarillo residents. You can find a script to text or call the city council on our Instagram here.

Want to join the Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance? Learn more here!


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