Prop A’s Extreme Legal Fines: A Financial Weapon Against Amarillo Families and Businesses

In this series, we're diving deep into the 18-page Prop A ordinance that threatens Amarillo’s culture, economy, and the well-being of its people. So far, we’ve covered how this ordinance encourages neighbors to sue neighbors without proof, prevents you from defending yourself in court, and encourages lawsuits without proof. In this episode, we’ll break down how Prop A imposes extreme financial penalties that could bankrupt families, devastate local businesses, and put healthcare providers at risk.

If this ordinance is adopted, you could be sued for a minimum of $10,000 for each of the following violations...

A Minimum of $10,000 Per Violation—A Financial Weapon

If Prop A is adopted, you could be sued for a minimum of $10,000 per violation for doing something as simple as:

  • Driving a loved one to receive abortion care, even in states where it's legal.

  • Sharing abortion support information or resources online or in person.

  • Donating to legal defense funds or organizations that help victims of these lawsuits.

  • Volunteering at marches or other events advocating for reproductive rights.

  • Providing emotional support to someone considering or recovering from an abortion.

These are actions that Amarillo families and individuals do out of compassion, love, and a sense of community. However, under Prop A, these everyday acts could bankrupt you.


No Proof Required: Encouraging Vigilante Lawsuits

One of the most dangerous aspects of this ordinance is that it allows private citizens to sue anyone they believe is in violation—without any proof. This opens the door to frivolous lawsuits, filed out of spite or malice, where the accused must defend themselves in costly legal battles. Even worse, this ordinance allows for multiple lawsuits for the same event, meaning you could be sued over and over for the same action.

For example, imagine driving a friend to New Mexico for medical care. Under Prop A, you could be sued by a neighbor, a coworker, and even someone you've never met—each filing a separate lawsuit and collecting thousands in damages. Even if you are successful and win your lawsuit, you still do not get to collect attorney’s fees or any other court costs. It’s not just a financial burden—it’s a legal and emotional nightmare.


Real-Life Impact: Families and Businesses on the Brink

Imagine running a small business in Amarillo—perhaps a local medical practice or even a family-owned restaurant. If you're accused of helping someone obtain an abortion (even unknowingly), your business could be targeted by lawsuits that impose thousands of dollars in fines. Small businesses could face financial ruin, forcing them to shut down or cut jobs to cover the staggering legal costs.

  • Does your business provide PTO for employees? If your employee were to seek abortion care outside of Texas using their paid time off, your business could be sued.

  • Does your business provide abortion care or reimbursement for abortion care in their insurance packages? Even if no employee has used this type of coverage, you could be sued for even offering it to your employees.

Families, too, would suffer. One lawsuit could easily turn into two, three, or more. People will be forced to choose between supporting their loved ones or risking financial devastation. The emotional toll of living under the constant threat of being sued is immense, and this is exactly the fear Prop A seeks to impose.

This ordinance punishes families who are already going through medical emergencies, potentially during the most heartbreaking moments of their lives. Parents making gut-wrenching decisions about their healthcare could find themselves facing endless lawsuits from strangers seeking profit. This level of cruelty is beyond comprehension and demonstrates just how far Prop A goes to target the most vulnerable members of our community.


A Direct Attack on Our Constitutional Rights

This ordinance isn’t just an attack on your pocketbook—it’s a violation of our constitutional rights. The right to travel freely, the right to free speech, and the right to privacy are all threatened by Prop A. It creates an environment where helping your neighbor or supporting your loved ones could land you in court, unable to use fair defenses or argue that this ordinance is unconstitutional.

Prop A is about control—controlling what you say, what you do, and how you live your life.


Fighting Back Against Injustice

This ordinance isn’t about justice or saving unborn lives—it’s about intimidation. The extreme fines and endless lawsuits are designed to create a chilling effect, preventing people from standing up for their rights and silencing those who support reproductive freedom. This ordinance divides our community, turning neighbor against neighbor in a vigilante system that will breed fear and distrust.

We cannot allow our community to be torn apart like this. We must stand together and fight back against Prop A.

Visit us back here next week as we tackle another aspect of this legislation. For more detailed information and find out how you can get involved in opposing this harmful ordinance. Together, we can educate our community from the divisive and damaging effects of this law.


Episode 3: Prop A Prevents You From Defending Yourself In Court